The Many Advantages of Adding Transactions to Kiosk Solutions

Kiosks cater to a wide range of different functionalities and applications, encompassing everything from wayfinding to product dispensing. However, when combined with electronic POS, they can provide businesses with a plethora of different benefits through integration with payment and servicing processes.

The versatility of kiosks, and the range of innovative software solutions that can be added to them, means that payment kiosks can be tailored to the individual needs of any business, allowing chip and pin or contactless transactions, receipt printing and change dispensing. Payment kiosks offer customers more convenience and help simplify the buying process over a wide variety of applications so here are just a few examples of the different type of applications to demonstrate how they can boost ROI:

Image result for cammax prescription payment

Prescription Payments

Kiosks for prescriptions are generally found in fast- paced healthcare environments such as emergency departments or busy hospitals and here at Cammax we are proud of the work we have conducted with the NHS that has helped the health service save money and incur lost revenue that can then be reinvested to help patients. Prescription payment kiosks offer efficient service to users looking to pay for their prescriptions whilst staff members prepare the necessary medication. They can also be programmed to dispense non-prescription medication outside of working hours.


Automated photo booths are nothing new but kiosks enable users to insert memory cards or plug in their phone/tablet devices to print off their own photographs. This added convenience saves unnecessary waiting in camera or photo developing shops as the kiosk can handle everything from editing the image to payment and printing, helping businesses reduce staff costs and increasing the capacity for sales.


The traditional box office ticket dispense can be a slow process, especially if the event or film is popular. Kiosks are now used in many cinemas, theatres and venues to allow users to pre-book or purchase tickets for a particular event or showing. The kiosks are incredibly cost effective and take very little floor space; they even allow users to select a particular seat, alleviating the workload of staff.

Aside from entertainment venues, the introduction of ticketing kiosks to the transport sector in the UK has proved to be revolutionary, saving local authorities and commuters both time and money. You can even explore how the roll out of our Smart Ticketing Kiosks in South Yorkshire is helping to transform travel in the North of England.

Payment Systems

Kiosks aren’t only used for standard vending functions; they are capable of processing much more complex tasks such as paying utility bills or topping up gas/electric meters, demonstrated by our work with Aberdeen council where self-service payments kiosks were installed to allow local residents to pay their Council Tax bills or rent securely. Kiosks don’t require staff intervention and they can be installed in locations that are accessible 24 hours a day meaning important payments can be made around the clock.

Loyalty Cards

Many people opt in to various loyalty schemes such as the Tesco Clubcard or hotel/restaurant loyalty cards and kiosks are now used to update and monitor these cards. They offer functions that enable users to check their accounts or print off any available vouchers or incentives.



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