Cammax Enter Into Exclusive Agreement With Engage Now Limited

The Medi+Vend™ Kiosk

On December 16th 2009 Cammax entered into an exclusive distribution and manufacturing agreement with Engage Now Limited to manufacture and distribute its Medi+Vend™ sexual health kiosk.

The Medi+Vend™ kiosk is very complimentary to the sexual health system provided by Cammax.
The Medi+Vend™ kiosks work very well where young people gather. Medi+Vend™ kiosks are installed throughout FE colleges, Connexions, Housing Advice Centres, gay drop-in centres and Universities throughout the UK.

The Medi+Vend™ service contributes to performance improvement in the key target areas set out in the national sexual health strategy and enables people to inform themselves about and manage their own sexual health in a way that reduces direct costs and improves performance. Medi+Vend™ delivers innovative telehealth solutions, behaviour tracking and data management packages to a growing number of Primary Care Trusts, local authorities, further education colleges and other public bodies across the United Kingdom.

Medi+Vend™ is an own branded health kiosk and vending machine with built-in internet connectivity that provides a unique experience for users and provides high quality usage information to providers and commissioners allowing for improved needs analysis, provision of real time performance and planning data by combining technologies from healthcare, computing, telecoms, biometric and vending industries.

The Medi+Vend™ service:

• provides an anonymous information point at which users can learn about sexual health, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and related public health issues using own-branded, updated on-line editorial.

• dispenses condoms and Chlamydia testing kits to your own targeted and pre-authorised user groups and communities, provided free at the point of delivery using biometric or C card methodology.

• collects, collates and returns usage (post code location, age, frequency, ethnicity, sexual orientation) data to you on a managed basis with data return packages that can be configured to meet your own individual and local needs.

• enables user surveys to be carried out on-line and in real-time to assist delivery objectives and target achievement.

Medi+Vend™ is a fully managed and supported service that includes :

• delivery and installation
• maintenance and repair
• product supply

Medi+Vend™ health kiosks are delivered, installed and maintained by Cammax, one of the UK’s leading kiosk and touch-screen manufacturers and Engage Now’s logistics partner. Cammax has also developed the ground breaking Medi+Quick™ sexual health triage, queuing and self service system successfully implemented at Kings College Hospital and rolling out across the UK. Cammax’s Medi+Quick™ clinic system integrates fully with Engage Now’s Medi+Vend™ community kiosk and can be supplied together.

About Engage Now:

Engage Now is a private company based in Hull that develops interactive and innovative services to meet the needs of public bodies delivering their sexual health and drugs programme objectives. Engage Now has developed Medi+Vend™ and the Drugs Box and works extensively with a range Primary Care Trusts, local authorities, further education colleges, police forces and other public bodies. The Board of Engage Now includes a number of healthcare professionals with a specialism in sexual health and drugs related areas.

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